
Childcare and early learning centres provide essential services which working families rely on. As the population continues to grow, this sector will continue to enjoy stable growth in demand.
At Fawkner Property, we also go to great lengths to ensure any childcare properties we purchase meet our strict criteria. We have a comprehensive process to ensure our investors get an outstanding return on investment.

Our History

Fawkner aggressively pursued the acquisition of non-discretionary retail assets with the contrarian view their performance would remain strong, despite a significant decrease in value and a ubiquitous version to the retail sector
Fawkner sold the final asset in Private Property Trust No.1 to a listed Real Estate Investment Trust on a yield of 4.00% - generating an outstanding return for Fawkner’s earliest investors. The fund has now been wound up.
Fawkner surpassed $1.5 billion in Assets Under Management following the completion of several institutional transactions with major ASX-Listed REITs.

Why we invest

$14.5 billion in expected revenue for the sector in 2019-20

1.3 million children expected to attend a childcare service 2019-20

Institutional ownership in the asset class has steadily been increasing as the attractive lease structures

Highly selective purchasing process

We have a comprehensive investment process which ensure any property we purchase as part of a trust meets our strict criteria. Our due dilligence checklist includes: Ensuring that the property has no latent defects, comparing the property to its market peers, ensuring that the conveyance is legally effective, and form a capital expenditure plan to assure funding for standard maintenance.

Talk to us about
investment opportunities

Our team can answer any questions you may have and we will guide you through the process.

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© 2023 FAWKNER PROPERTY – Australian Business Number 49 147 265 281 - Australian Financial Services Licence No. 437334
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